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Phonics and Early Reading Curriculum


Early reading is a priority across the Federation.  Staff are fully aware of the importance of enabling all children to develop the fundamental skills they need to become life-long readers.  This begins with the consistent teaching of Systematic Synthetic Phonics through the ‘Read Write Inc.’ Phonics Program.  This is delivered to all ‘early readers’ with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1.

During ‘Read Write Inc.’ lessons, children will learn to:

  • Decode letter-sound correspondences quickly and effortlessly, using their phonic knowledge and skills. 
  • Read common exception words on sight. 
  • Understand what they read.
  • Read aloud with fluency and expression.
  • Write confidently, with a strong focus on vocabulary and grammar.
  • Spell quickly and easily by segmenting the sounds in words.
  • Acquire good handwriting.


In Nursery the focus is first placed on building phonological awareness through recognition of environmental sounds, syllables, and rhyme. Starting in the Spring term, they begin to learn a sound a week in RWInc phonics lessons.  In Reception and Key Stage 1, daily 1 hour RWInc lessons include all aspects of phonics, reading and writing.  Children in Key Stage 2 who are yet to complete the ‘Read Write Inc.’ Phonics Program, will continue to receive phonics teaching and regular intervention. Those in Years 5 and 6 who require further support follow ‘Read Write Inc. Fresh Start.’

Our whole school approach to the teaching of phonics involves the following:

  • Lessons follow the Read Write Inc. scheme’s progression of sounds
  • Formal half termly assessments
  • Regular assessments and observations within lessons
  • Lessons based on the ‘Five Ps’ – Praise, Pace, Purpose, Passion and Participation
  • Groupings based on children’s phonic knowledge to ensure more focussed teaching
  • ‘Keep Up’ interventions timetabled for children who require additional support with learning to read, or for those who have limited opportunities to read with support at home
  • Staff INSETs and external staff training provided ensuring a consistent approach and improved subject knowledge
  • Closely matched, fully decodable ‘Book Bag Books’ sent home weekly
  • Wordless picture books provided for those children unable to access decodable books
  • Reading records used to track reading engagement while at home
  • Read Write Inc. meeting for parent and carers


Our Early Reading curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression year on year.  In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: 

  • Monitoring of Read Write Inc. displays
  • Monitoring of work books
  • Monitoring of reading records
  • Monitoring of decodable books
  • Pupil voice
  • Learning walks
  • Staff surveys
  • Lesson observations