PSHE Curriculum
At Pepper Hill School, PSHE is taught through the school curriculum and wider school context which helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe in the real and online worlds and be a productive and responsible member of a modern British society. Children are taught about British Values including their rights and responsibilities; they learn attributes which will equip them to become happy, confident, positive and healthy human beings. Relationships Education teaches children the qualities that are needed to maintain positive and supportive friendships and healthy relationships in later life.
Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of PSHE involves the following:
- PSHE is taught in weekly one-hour lessons.
- A different value focus monthly, including specific assemblies, referred to throughout school and displayed in classrooms.
- Lessons are planned using progression maps provided to teachers to ensure skills are clear.
- Regular opportunities planned for circle time discussions.
- CPD Insets provided to teachers to ensure high quality subject knowledge.
- Annual ‘Hello Yellow’ day to signify World Mental Health Day.
- Celebrate ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ in the Spring term
- Cross curricular links to PE to promote healthy lifestyles and improved Mental Health.
- Mental Health Support team leading workshops with children to promote self esteem and support end of year transition
- Cross curricular links to computing to ensure children know how to stay safe online.
- Visits from the Police Force are utilised to teach children about people we can trust, potential dangers in society and how to stay safe from harm.
- Taking part in Anti-Bullying week each year.
- The teaching of the NSPCC’s PANTS acronym teaches about children’s rights and ownership of their own body.
- Rights Respecting Schools where the children are familiar with their rights.
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education taught annually.
- Daily emotion check in available in every classroom.
- Taking part in Internet Safety Week every year.
- Learning mentors working alongside the PSHE lead to identify children requiring emotional support.
- Annual ‘Children In Need’ and ‘Red Nose Day’ celebrations to raise money.
- British Values implemented throughout the year (Respect/tolerance through Black History Month and democracy during Remembrance Day)
- ‘No Outsiders’ school, featuring termly ‘No Outsiders’ specialist assemblies
- Mental Health training for staff with outside agencies
Our PSHE curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression year on year. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Monitoring of books
- Pupil voice
- Learning walks
- Staff/child surveys
- Daily emotion check in opportunities for children