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Maths Curriculum


Across the federation we believe that children should leave primary education as confident, determined mathematicians who are excited by maths and the challenges it represents. We follow a mastery approach guided by White Rose Maths that follows the skills, content and framework as set out in the National Curriculum.

Our aim is to provide learners that enjoy mathematics and the exploration of new skills and knowledge, and who strive to succeed and develop their understanding further. We wish for children to be resilient in their learning and active and confident, not afraid, in their pursuit for challenge.  Children are expected and encouraged to apply and transfer their skills outside of the realms of their lessons, recognising the importance of maths in everyday life. We aim for children to develop an understanding beyond what is expected of them in a test paper and the willingness and capability to apply mathematical skills and knowledge to a range of contexts and real-life situations within the wider world. We understand that the mastery of transferrable skills and knowledge will ensure success not only in their primary or secondary education, but in their adult lives.

Through engaging and memorable teaching and learning, in which a range of activities are used to provide meaningful connections for all types of learners, children are able to develop deep conceptual understanding of skills and confidently communicate this with peers and staff.


Our whole school approach to the teaching and learning of maths involves the following:

  • Maths is taught in daily one hour lessons. Lessons are planned using weekly overviews which incorporate White Rose Maths medium term planning.
  • White Rose Maths resources are adapted and used to support teachers planning and ensure that lessons are taught using a mastery approach.
  • Connect 4s are completed at the start of lessons (2-3 times per week) to recap knowledge, assess prior knowledge and identify gaps in understanding which can then be addressed.
  • Rolling tables are used as lesson starters (2-3 times per week) to develop quick recall of multiplication facts and number fluency.
  •  CPD insets provided to teachers to ensure high quality subject knowledge
  • Online resources such as Numbots, Maths Shed, Times Table Rockstars and MyMaths are used to support children’s learning at home and develop fluency of multiplication and number facts.
  • A wide range of resources are available to ensure a visual and hands on approach and enhance teaching.
  • Aim high ladders are used to ensure lessons are progressive and incorporate a range of challenge for all learners
  • Working walls used and consistently adapted to display current mathematical learning in classrooms.
  • Brain gyms are used to encourage the recall of key facts, support the retention of information and ensure the use of correct mathematical vocabulary.


Our maths curriculum is planned to demonstrate progression year on year. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods: 

  • Connect 4s
  • Monitoring of books
  • Pupil voice
  • Learning walks
  • Staff surveys
  • Termly assessments
  • Collation of evidence based on the Teacher Assessment Framework to support teacher assessments in Year 2
  • Formative assessment used in lessons to provide ongoing feedback, through the use of whiteboard work, questioning, verbal feedback, self and peer marking, plenary activities and mini plenaries, digit cards
  • Monitoring of online resources and work completed and assessment of children’s knowledge